Parking Lot Accident Attorney in Dallas, TX

According to the National Safety Council, more than 500 pedestrian and driver deaths occur in parking lots and parking garages each year. While many parking lot accidents can be minimal — insurance companies report that 14 percent of all accident claims are for parking lot encounters — injury accidents can be something else altogether. Injuries that occur in parking lots, especially to pedestrians, are often severe and can result in accumulating medical bills and serious property damage.
If you have suffered injuries in a parking lot accident, you may be entitled to compensation for your medical bills and other damages. You may have a lot of questions surrounding a parking lot accident: Who is at fault for a parking lot accident when both vehicles were backing up? What do you do if you were in a Dallas parking lot accident and no police report was filed? What happens if you are involved in a car accident in a private parking lot in Dallas? By contacting a Dallas car accident lawyer at Kraft & Associates, P.C., we can answer these questions and many others. Then, we can begin the process of getting the justice you deserve.
Why Parking Lots Are Dangerous
Lurking around every fender and vehicle, parking lots present numerous threats to health and safety. The very nature of the way vehicles and pedestrians move in a parking lot can be hazardous. Cars are parked close to one another, and drivers often do not have a clear view behind them until they begin to back up, which is often too late to prevent a collision.
Pedestrians can move erratically, stop to pick things up, or may be in a vehicle’s blind spot. Sometimes they or the children they are with will dart in and out of the rows of cars. These factors all contribute to “accidents” in the true sense of the term. However, even though accidents do happen, in most cases, additional caution could prevent most parking lot accidents. Everyone has a duty to behave responsibly and prevent accidents, and when you are hurt, you need to be compensated for your injuries.
Often more dangerous are the people who speed, talk on the phone, or are otherwise distracted as they drive through the parking lot. Most parking lots are privately owned and not subject to general traffic laws, but any time a driver operates their vehicle, they always need to act in a safe and reasonable manner. The accidents caused by reckless or speeding drivers are often the most devastating.
Conditions of a parking lot can also lead to accidents. Poor lighting, potholes, poorly marked areas, weather conditions that create slick or icy pavement (yes, even in Dallas!) or even dangerous people lurking in parking lots can also lead to accidents or injuries that are beyond your control.
Liability in Parking Lot Accidents
Any time a driver gets behind the wheel, they are responsible for driving with a duty of care reasonable to their situation. If the area is congested, they must proceed even more slowly and carefully. Ultimately, the driver is the most likely liable party in a parking lot accident, but if other factors were at play in your accident, other negligent parties may be identified.
Property owners must maintain their parking lots and garages for the safe use of their customers and parking lot users, which means that they are required to provide a well-designed, clearly marked and suitably lit parking area. If these bare minimum requirements aren’t met, the parking lot owner can be found liable for accidents that occur. A parking lot owner also needs to keep their lot clear of hazards — such as damaged pavement and slick conditions — and less obvious risks, including dangerous individuals. When owners fail to meet these responsibilities, they may also be held accountable for injuries and other damages victims sustain.
Types of Parking Lot Car Accidents
Because there can be confusion as to the flow of traffic and pedestrians in parking lots, many accidents can occur, including when:
- A vehicle backs into a pedestrian
- A vehicle hits a pedestrian head on or from the side
- A vehicle backs into an unmoving vehicle
- A vehicle backs into a passing vehicle
- Two vehicles back into one another
- A vehicle pulls forward through an empty space and hits a passing vehicle
- Two cars collide attempting to park in the same space
Parking Lot Car Accident Injuries
Even at slow speeds, parking lot car accident injuries can be serious and cause significant damage. The kinds of injuries we often see at Kraft & Associates, P.C., include:
- Ligament damage
- Neck injuries and whiplash
- Spinal injuries
- Wrongful death
If you have experienced these or any other injuries due to an accident in a Dallas parking lot, you could be eligible for significant compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and other damages.
How to Avoid Parking Lot Accidents
Regardless of who is in the right-of-way in a parking lot, you need to be observant and careful to avoid parking lot accidents. Whether you are a pedestrian or a driver, always proceed with caution and make sure to watch carefully over any children you may have with you.
As a driver, you should always check your blind spots manually rather than relying on mirrors or cameras. Always maintain a slow, cautious speed so that you can quickly stop if another car or person should come into your path. Be aware of your surroundings, including pedestrians and other motorists. Lastly, do not restrict your abilities to react quickly when you are in a parking lot; your call or text can wait the few seconds that could ultimately cost a life.
Contact a Dallas Parking Lot Accident Attorney
At Kraft & Associates, P.C., we offer experienced Dallas parking lot accident attorneys who can help you get compensation for your injuries and other damages. By contacting a member of our team, you will have a knowledgeable lawyer by your side to help you get the maximum compensation owed to you by law. We will work diligently to get the justice you deserve. Call us today for a free consultation at (214) 999-9999 or contact us online.