Our law firm at Kraft & Associates, Attorneys at Law, P.C., is doing a food drive in conjunction with the North Texas Food Bank. Because of the North Texas Foodbank, thousands of hungry North Texans will have enough to eat. We are grateful to be participating in this event and hope that others join in to help us provide food to our neighbors in need.
If you are interested in participating and want more information, we encourage you to check out the Food Drive Handbook.
Food Drive Information
- Drive Starts on – Nov. 10, 2015
- Drive Ends on – Nov. 25, 2015
- Name of Food Drive – Kraft & Associates, P.C., Food Drive
If you are helping with our food drive, or if you are having a food drive of your own, it is important to know what items the NTFB need most. Storage space is often in short supply at food banks, so prioritization is key.
Soup, Stew or Chili, Low-Sodium
- Canned Vegetables, Low-Sodium
- Beans, Canned or Dried
- Canned Tuna or Chicken
- Fruit, Canned in Juice or Dried
- Peanut or Almond Butter
- Reduced Sugar Pudding Cups
- 100% Whole Fruit Rolls
- Whole Grain Granola Bars
- Lightly Salted Trail Mix
- Brown Rice
- Consider donating reusable shopping bags.
Statistics of Hunger in North Texas
- 4.7 million people are food insecure – that’s 1 in every 6 people
- More than 856,000 people in NTFB’s 13-county service area are food insecure
- One in every 4 kids in North Texas is food insecure – that’s more than 300,000 children
- 95% of households served by NTFB have an annual household income of $30,000 or less
- There’s a strong correlation between hunger and health, with one in 3 client households affected by diabetes and 60 percent of client households with unpaid medical bills
- Nearly 70 percent of client households choose between buying food or paying for medicine and medical care
Make a Difference
- When you donate $1 to NTFB you are helping us provide access to 3 meals
- Today 94 cents of every dollar goes toward fulfilling our mission, with 6 cents going toward administration/fundraising expenses
- Last year, nearly 1,000 community organizations and businesses hosted canned food drives collecting more than 500,000 pounds of non-perishable foods
- An estimated 36,500 volunteers – at our South Dallas warehouse, and at community events like the State Fair of Texas, gave their time, talent and treasure to the NTFB last year
- Volunteers donated more than 127,524 hours to help NTFB fulfill our mission to provide access to 92 million nutritious meals annually in the next ten years