An adult who has been fully disabled since he or she was a child may be able to collect Social Security benefits based on a parent’s work record. Social Security also provides benefits to disabled children and adults who have … Continue reading
An adult who has been fully disabled since he or she was a child may be able to collect Social Security benefits based on a parent’s work record. Social Security also provides benefits to disabled children and adults who have … Continue reading
If you receive a letter from the Social Security Administration that is labeled “Notice of Award,” it means your application for Social Security disability benefits has been approved. But, if you find it difficult to understand the award letter, you … Continue reading
If you have either Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes and serious health problems related to diabetes, you may qualify for Social Security Disability benefits if you are no longer able to work. But qualifying for Social Security Disability benefits … Continue reading
As you pursue Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits, you may be referred to a doctor to complete a residual functional capacity assessment or RFC. Your residual functional capacity describes your physical and mental capacity to perform in a workplace setting … Continue reading
Many recipients of Social Security Disability Insurance benefits are able to return to limited employment without losing their monthly SSDI stipend as long as their income does not exceed certain limits. Those who want to work can do so for … Continue reading
Fewer Americans are applying for Social Security Disability benefits, partly because of tighter eligibility standards, according to government statistics and studies recently quoted in The New York Times. What is SSD or SSDI Insurance? Social Security Disability Insurance, known as SSD … Continue reading
When you are unable to work due to a physical or mental disability, you may find yourself in need of money – and fast. But if you are unable to work, your sources of income are rather limited. One source … Continue reading
1. When SSD Payments Start Your payments may start in the sixth month after your disability begins. This is why it is so important to report your condition and apply for benefits as soon as possible after you know you can no … Continue reading