Category: Uncategorized

CDL for box truck

You’ve probably shared the road with “box trucks” here in Dallas without giving them much thought. Thousands are on the move day and night, transporting household items, business freight, and other cargo. If you have thought about a box truck … Continue reading

yield right of way

Having the right-of-way when driving a vehicle gives you the immediate right to use part of the road. Most experienced drivers would probably say they are safe drivers who know when to yield the right-of-way. Yet, failure to yield the … Continue reading

5-Year Rule for Social Security Disability

The Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) 5-year rule requires you to have worked and paid Social Security taxes for at least 5 out of the 10 years immediately before your disability began. The Social Security Administration (SSA) wants to ensure … Continue reading


If you ride a motorcycle in Texas, you might wonder whether you can legally maneuver between lanes of slow-moving traffic. The short answer is that lane-splitting is not legal in Texas. In fact, recent legislation has explicitly banned this practice, … Continue reading

pre existing conditions in personal injury cases

Not everyone involved in a car accident is the epitome of perfect health at the time of the collision. A person in a collision may experience effects on their physical and mental well-being following a significant Dallas car accident. How … Continue reading

Kraft Law remains available for consultations during the COVID-19 pandemic.

We all have a duty to keep ourselves, our families, our neighbors, and our communities safe right now. This means temporarily reshaping the way we live our lives to combat the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). At Kraft & Associates, P.C., we … Continue reading

dallas pedestrian accident

Walking is a healthy and environmentally friendly form of transportation. However, it can also be risky, especially when walking near busy roads or intersections. Being hit by a vehicle can cause severe injuries or death. A careless driver who hits … Continue reading

Contact a Dallas slip and fall attorney today.

As winter nears, it’s a good time for businesses and other property owners to think about the steps necessary to prevent the types of winter hazards that lead to slip-and-fall accidents. Falls are our country’s third leading cause of unintentional injury-related … Continue reading