Whether it’s legal to use a phone while driving in Texas depends on the type of driver’s license you have and how the phone will be used. Texas allows most drivers to talk on a cell phone while operating a … Continue reading
Whether it’s legal to use a phone while driving in Texas depends on the type of driver’s license you have and how the phone will be used. Texas allows most drivers to talk on a cell phone while operating a … Continue reading
Winter weather increases the risk that a car accident could turn into a multi-car pileup like the deadly 130 vehicle crash on Interstate 35 W in Fort Worth that killed six people and sent dozens to area hospitals. The crash … Continue reading
Automakers have introduced a wide variety of safety features in newer vehicles to provide a more enjoyable driving experience and protect drivers and passengers and others sharing the road. However, a recent study by the automotive group AAA says that some of … Continue reading
A recently published study of drinking and driving in the U.S. found that 15% of drivers involved in fatal crashes had blood alcohol levels below the legal limit and that 55% of the people killed were not the drinking driver. The … Continue reading
Street racing is dangerously reckless behavior and takes the lives of innocent bystanders in Dallas. The number of street racing deaths and injuries has spurred Dallas police to ask city leaders for more authority to ticket those present at street … Continue reading
We all have a duty to keep ourselves, our families, our neighbors, and our communities safe right now. This means temporarily reshaping the way we live our lives to combat the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). At Kraft & Associates, P.C., we … Continue reading
Walking is a healthy and environmentally friendly form of transportation. However, it can also be risky, especially when walking near busy roads or intersections. Being hit by a vehicle can cause severe injuries or death. A careless driver who hits … Continue reading
As winter nears, it’s a good time for businesses and other property owners to think about the steps necessary to prevent the types of winter hazards that lead to slip-and-fall accidents. Falls are our country’s third leading cause of unintentional injury-related … Continue reading
The many additional drivers and cars that ridesharing companies Uber, Lyft and others have put on the road in Dallas and other cities has led to about 1,000 more deaths in car accidents each year, research suggests. Uber/Lyft Drivers Are … Continue reading
Personal Injury Lawyers, Kraft & Associates, P.C., volunteer in various local non-profit organizations in the Dallas, Texas area. Recently, the Dallas attorneys joined “Feed My Starving Children” to help supply meals to starving children all over the world. How … Continue reading