Dallas Facial Injury Attorneys

Accidents can have many tragic outcomes, not the least of which are disfiguring scars and facial injuries. Victims of these types of injuries may face extensive medical treatment, including reconstructive surgeries. They may experience mental as well as physical pain and suffering. Even with the best medical care, facial injury victims may find their appearance permanently altered.
Many types of accidents can result in facial injuries. A study published in the Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery highlights how common facial injuries are in accidents. Over a 10-year period, 9,543 patients were admitted for treatment of facial injuries at a university hospital. Among those patients, 1,116 sustained their injuries in traffic accidents and 504 in work-related accidents. Sports, violence, activities of daily life and other causes accounted for the remainder, according to the study.
If you or a loved one has suffered a disfiguring facial injury caused by someone else’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation for your losses. You should seek legal advice immediately – before you discuss the matter with an insurance adjuster and before you sign anything.
Let the experienced personal injury attorneys at the Kraft & Associates, P.C., advise you about your rights after an accident that caused serious facial scarring. We’re an established and professional law firm with friendly lawyers and staff who are easy to talk to. Please call us at (214) 999-9999 or contact us online.
Common Types of Facial Injuries in Accidents
Many Dallas car accident victims suffer some type of facial injury or trauma. More severe injuries can leave a victim with scars and other forms of disfigurement. Some of the common types of facial injuries suffered in accidents include the following:
- Bone fractures – The human face is composed of a series of bones, any of which is susceptible to breakage in a car accident, fall or other type of accident. Broken facial bones may not heal properly, leaving the victim disfigured.
- Lacerations – Deep cuts to the face suffered in car accidents may require stitches and other treatments. Facial lacerations frequently leave accident victims with scars.
- Eye injuries – The eyes can be damaged by debris and flying objects in crashes. Serious injuries may cause blindness.
- Soft tissue injuries – The face contains tendons, cartilage, muscles, ligaments and other soft tissue. Injuries to the soft tissue in the face are among the most common injuries treated by plastic surgeons. Despite surgeons’ best efforts, many soft tissue injuries leave patients with impaired facial function and deformities.
- Burns – Skin grafting is often required to treat severe burns to the face. Many burn victims are left with significant scarring and discoloration.
- Facial deformities – Damage to the facial bones can result in permanent deformities, including sunken cheek bones. Disfigurement can have a major and lasting impact on the victim’s physical appearance.
Causes of Facial Scars and Disfigurement
Significant facial scarring and disfigurement may result from a wide variety of accidents, such as:
- Car accidents – Car accident facial injuries can be caused by broken glass, flying objects, ejection from a vehicle, being thrown through the windshield, or by contact with a window, the steering wheel, the dash or an airbag.
- Pedestrian accidents – Pedestrians are completely unprotected and vulnerable to all types of serious injuries when they are hit by motor vehicles.
- Motorcycle and bicycle accidents – A study conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration of motorcycle accidents over a three-year period found that 22.3 percent of motorcyclists not wearing helmets and 13.1 percent of those wearing helmets suffered facial injuries.
- Dog bites – According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 27,000 people had reconstructive surgery because of dog bites in one recent year.
- Truck accidents – Many passenger vehicle occupants suffer serious injuries in large truck collisions, including facial trauma, scarring and disfigurement.
- Trip and fall accidents – Falls are a common cause of facial injuries.
- Airbag injuries – Airbags deploy at high speeds. Although they save lives, airbags also present a risk of facial injuries to vehicle occupants.
- Workplace accidents – OSHA reports that workers in a wide range of occupations face significant risk of death or injury by being struck by objects that hit various parts of the body, including the eyes, face and head.
Legal Help for Victims of Disfiguring Scars and Facial Injuries
If you or a loved one has suffered disfiguring facial injuries and scars through the fault of another, it is important to consult with an experienced personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. Whether the disfigurement resulted from a car accident caused by another driver, a slip-and-fall accident on someone else’s property, or any other accident due to someone else’s negligence, the knowledgeable personal injury lawyers at Kraft & Associates, P.C., are ready to help you pursue the maximum compensation you need and deserve.
Please contact us for a Free consultation
- Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery: Cranio-maxillofacial trauma: a 10 year review of 9,543 cases with 21,067 injuries
- National Highway Traffic Safety Administration: Motorcycle Helmet Use and Head and Facial Injuries
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Dog Bites
- WebMD: Facial Injuries
- Saudi Journal of Ophthalmology: Airbag induced facial and bilateral ocular injuries in a 14-year old child