Foot & Ankle Injuries: Types and Causes

Acute foot and ankle injuries can result from direct blows, penetrating injuries, falls, or twisting, bending, jerking or jamming a limb in an abnormal manner. Pain may be sudden and severe, and swelling or bruising may develop after the injury.
Foot and ankle injuries are common in all types of motor vehicle accidents, workplace accidents and accidents resulting from property owner negligence. These types of injuries can be painful and disabling. They can make it impossible for feet to bear weight and for victims to walk. Serious cases may require extensive medical treatment and physical therapy. Permanent limitation of mobility can result from this type of injury.
If you or a loved one has suffered a foot or ankle injury caused by someone else’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation for your losses. You should seek legal advice immediately – before you discuss the matter with an insurance adjuster and before you sign anything.
Let Kraft & Associates, Attorneys at Law, P.C., advise you about your rights after an accident that caused foot or ankle injuries. We’re an established and professional law firm with friendly lawyers and staff who are easy to talk to. Please call us at (214) 999-9999 or contact us online.
Types of Foot and Ankle Injuries
Accidents can cause injury to the bones or the soft tissue of the feet and ankles. Feet and ankles can sustain a variety of injuries in falls, motor vehicle accidents and work-related accidents, such as the following:
- Sprains – injuries to the ligaments around the joints.
- Strains – overstretching of the muscles that causes muscle fibers to tear.
- Fractures – broken bones.
- Crushing injuries – can lead to compartment syndrome, a painful condition when swelling occurs within an enclosed area.
- Puncture wounds – sharp objects puncture the skin and tissue, which can lead to infection.
- Contusions – bruising after an ankle injury can extend to the toes because of gravity.
- Dislocations – when the bones are forced out of place in an accident.
Causes of Foot and Ankle Injuries
Many types of accidents can cause injuries to the feet and the ankles, including:
- Car accidents: A 23-year study published by the Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma concluded that, although there has been an improvement in overall car safety, the relative incidence of foot and ankle fractures sustained in automobile accidents has increased.
- Workplace accidents: The Texas Department of Insurance Division of Workers’ Compensation reports that the following types of injuries to the feet and ankles commonly occur in the workplace: crushed or broken feet, amputated toes, punctures, cuts and lacerations, severed feet and toes, burns, electric shock, sprained ankles and fractured bones.
- Motorcycle accidents: A study of foot injuries resulting from motorcycle crashes published in the Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma concluded that motorcycle accidents are a common source of severe injuries to the feet.
- Falls: The Texas Department of Insurance reports that slippery floors and littered walkways cause slips, trips and falls in the workplace, frequently resulting in twisted or sprained ankles and fractured bones.
- Large truck crashes: The impact of a lightweight passenger vehicle colliding with a heavy commercial truck can cause serious injuries, including foot and ankle injuries, to the passenger vehicle occupants.
- Pedestrian accidents: A pedestrian hit by a motor vehicle, or even a bicycle, has no protection from impact or injury. Pedestrians are extremely vulnerable to foot and ankle injuries in accidents.
Legal Help for Foot and Ankle Injury Victims
The knowledgeable personal injury attorneys at Kraft & Associates, P.C., have helped clients recover compensation through settlements and verdicts, and helped many disabled clients obtain benefits through Social Security Disability.
If you or a loved one has suffered a serious foot or ankle injury through the fault another, it is important to consult with an experienced personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. For a free assessment, contact us today by calling us at (214) 999-9999. You can also submit an online contact form or send us an email at
- eMedicineHealth: Toe, Foot, and Ankle Injuries
- Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma: Foot fractures in restrained front seat car occupants: a long-term study over twenty-three years
- Texas Department of Insurance: Foot Protection
- Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma: Prevalence and patterns of foot injuries following motorcycle trauma