Get All the SSD Benefits You Deserve.
If you are unable to work because of a disability, Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits could provide you and your family with the means you need to survive if you are eligible. The knowledgeable SSD attorneys at Kraft & Associates, Attorneys at Law, P.C., help disabled clients obtain the disability benefits they are entitled to receive.
Our firm can help to determine if you are entitled to benefits, assist you with your application, protect your rights, and provide sound legal advice throughout the claim process. If your initial application has been denied, don’t give up. Many valid claims are denied at first, and our lawyers can help with the appeals process.
Our experienced Dallas SSD lawyers handle claims on a contingency fee basis, meaning you don’t pay unless we recover money for you. Our Dallas SSD attorneys will work hard for you, call us today at (214) 999-9999 for a free case review!
What Can Social Security Lawyers Do For Me?
At Kraft & Associates, Attorneys at Law, P.C., we prefer to be called in on a social security disability claim right at the beginning so that we can advise you and help to protect your rights throughout the social security process. We can assist you at both the initial application stage and at the reconsideration stage, as well as at your formal hearing with the Administrative Law Judge.
At our law firm, we will be pleased to assist you with any questions you have regarding social security disability. Our law firm also represents people who have personal injury claims, including automobile collisions, premises liability claims, and more. If we cannot help you, we will attempt to refer you to an attorney or an agency that can help you.
Do I Qualify for Dallas SSD Benefits?
If you have worked and paid social security taxes in Dallas, Texas for five of the last ten years, and you are now totally disabled due to an illness or injury, you may qualify for social security disability benefits. Understanding when to talk with your Dallas social security disability attorney is important and Kraft & Associates, Attorneys at Law, P.C., are experienced in finding ways to get your benefits.
In most cases, you must prove to the Social Security Administration that you cannot perform your former job or any other type of work in the present economy and that your disabling condition will last 12 months or longer.
Applying for SSD Benefits in Texas in 3 Steps
What Dallas SSD Benefits Will I Receive?
The amount you receive in disability benefits depends on how much money you made when you worked. Benefits can range between $300 a month to over $2000 a month. These benefits will be calculated by the Social Security Administration, and they are based on your income and your contributions to social security. Your benefits can be affected by any workers’ compensation payments you receive. Please be advised that there is a five-month waiting period for SSD benefits.
Our law firm will verify that the monthly amount of benefits and the beginning date of your benefits are correct.
For Example:
- You were found to be totally disabled as of August 5, 2011, by the Administrative Law Judge.
- Your claim was decided favorably on July 15, 2012.
- Your award was for $1,000 in benefits per month.
- Disability benefits for eleven months, minus the five-month waiting period, equals six months benefits now due.
- Your back benefits total $6,000. ($1,000 X 6 months)
Remember the Rules About SSD Claims…
Each claim is different and this page is not enough to explain everything involved in an SSD case. There are some simple rules to follow:
- Always tell the truth.
- Never exaggerate your medical problems, but never minimize them either.
- Provide all relevant details and specific examples but don’t ramble in your testimony.
- Continue to see your own doctor on a regular basis throughout your claim. Long periods of time with no medical treatment could be used as evidence that you were not disabled during that time. If you do not have a doctor, you can probably receive treatment at a county hospital such as Parkland in Dallas county or John Peter Smith in Tarrant county.
- Don’t worry. Your attorney will be there to help you if you forget something or don’t bring out the necessary details at your administrative hearing.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Dallas SSD Benefits & Claims
Social Security Disability
Am I eligible to receive Social Security Disability benefits in Dallas, Texas?
If you have worked and paid into the Social Security system for the required period, and if you are now totally disabled and unable to work because of an injury or an illness, you may be eligible for SSD benefits. In order to receive benefits, you will need show the Social Security Administration (SSA) that you are truly disabled and cannot perform the work you did before or any other type of work, and that you will continue to be disabled for 12 months or more or your condition is expected to result in death.
How much will I receive in Social Security Disability benefits in Dallas, Texas?
Benefits are calculated by SSA based on how much you earned while you were working. Benefit amounts range from around $300 a month to more than $2,000 a month as of 2015. If you are receiving workers’ compensation benefits, that may affect your SSD benefits.
Can I work and receive Social Security Disability benefits in north Texas?
The purpose of SSD benefits is to help people who are disabled and unable to work. If you can hold a job, it could affect your eligibility for benefits. If you are in the process of applying for benefits, you could be disqualified if you are working.
Only those who are unable to engage in “substantial gainful activity” (SGA) may receive SSD benefits. Except for those individuals who are legally blind, the SGA level as of 2015 is $1,090 per month. During the application process, anyone who earns more than $1,090 per month is not qualified to receive SSD benefits. Different rules apply for someone who is already receiving benefits.
What is the difference between SSDI and SSI benefits?
- Social Security Disability Insurance (SSD or SSDI): This program is for disabled people who have worked and paid into the Social Security system, and their surviving disabled spouse and children. Disabled individuals who do not meet the work history requirements are not eligible for benefits under SSD. This program is not means-tested.
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI): These benefits are available to disabled people who have not worked and paid into the Social Security system. Eligibility is based on need alone, and eligibility depends on the applicant’s income and assets. Disability requirements for SSI are the same as for SSD.
What are Compassionate Allowances?
The Social Security Administration (SSA) has an obligation to speed up the application process for people with medical conditions that are so serious that they obviously meet the SSD disability requirements. Compassionate Allowances (CAL) are SSA’s list of diseases and conditions that obviously meet disability requirements based on quickly obtainable objective medical information. If an applicant’s condition is on the CAL list, the SSA application and approval process for SSD benefits should go more quickly.
Do I need an attorney to apply for SSD benefits?
You can file a claim on your own, but working with an attorney can increase your chances of success. We recommend that you retain an attorney to review your application before you file it. Saying the wrong thing – or the right thing in the wrong way – in your application could permanently affect your chances of receiving benefits. If you have already filed an application and your claim was denied, our knowledgeable Social Security Disability Lawyers in Dallas can still help you obtain benefits through the appeals process.
- IRS: Social Security and Equivalent Railroad Retirement Benefits
- Social Security Administration: Compassionate Allowances