Dallas Personal Injury and SSD Attorneys

This is quite possibly the first time you’ve needed an attorney. If you are dealing with a personal injury matter or need assistance with your Social Security Disability (SSD) claim, it is understandable that you would have questions about how the team of attorneys at Kraft & Associates P.C., can help you? It’s also likely that you are unsure which law firm to choose.
On this page you will find information about the many ways an attorney can assist with your personal injury or SSD claim. In addition, we provide details about the qualifications of the attorneys and staff at Kraft & Associates, P.C., and why you should select our firm to represent you in your personal injury or SSD case.
Are you ready to discuss your situation now? You’ll find that we are easy to talk to at Kraft & Associates, P.C. We’re an established and professional law firm with friendly lawyers and staff. It costs you nothing to talk with us about your case. In fact, you won’t have to pay us anything up front. We get paid only if and when we secure compensation for you.
Call us at (214) 999-9999 or contact us online now for a free, no-obligation legal consultation.
Why You Need Kraft & Associates, P.C., for Your Personal Injury or SSD Claim
- Our firm has been dedicated to helping accident victims and disabled workers since we opened our law office in 1971.
- We have over 45 years of experience with handling personal injury and Social Security Disability cases in Dallas, Fort Worth and throughout North Texas.
- The staff at Kraft & Associates, P.C., has a very low turnover rate. In fact, our committed staff members have been with the firm for an average of 25 years.
- Our staff’s stability not only means that you can benefit from their experience, but it also means you get to work with people you know and who know you, without having to learn new faces each time you contact us.
- We take pride in treating our clients like family. You can expect friendly interactions whenever you meet with us or talk to us on the phone. We understand that we are in this together.
- Our friendly relationship with clients doesn’t mean we can’t be aggressive and assertive with the insurance companies, bureaucracies and other adversaries who are trying to block our clients’ pursuit of justice.
- Our experienced attorneys have the dogged determination and strong work ethic to see your case through to the end while never giving up on advocating for your rights.
- The lawyers at Kraft & Associates, P.C., have strong connections to the community and to the legal profession, with many memberships in important professional organizations.
- Our attorneys have received a number of honors for their legal advocacy.
- We are a full-service law firm, meaning that we handle a wide variety of matters even beyond the scope of personal injury and SSD claims.
- Our services are affordable. We take personal injury and SSD cases on a contingency fee basis. This means you don’t pay us any upfront legal fees. In fact, our attorneys don’t get paid unless and until we recover compensation on your behalf. Our fees are then deducted from your recovery based on an agreed-upon percentage. You are never left with an attorney’s bill to pay out of your pocket.
- We have a lengthy track record of securing results for our clients. See below for more details about the successes we’ve achieved for others in situations like yours.
What Our Lawyers Can Do for You in a Dallas Injury Case
- Review the details of your situation in a free initial consultation and offer free advice about your best legal options.
- Fully investigate the accident that resulted in your personal injuries to determine the real cause and who should be held responsible.
- Determine the full extent of your losses, including all medical bills, lost wages, rehabilitation needs, lost future income, property damage and more.
- Consult with experts about the cause of your accident and the extent of your losses. These may include accident reconstructionists, medical specialists, financial experts, vocational experts, and others.
- Review all documents related to your case, including police reports, accident reports, insurance policies, medical bills, and other important paperwork.
- Seek out all sources of potential insurance coverage and responsible parties.
- Handle all communications with insurance companies, lawyers, medical providers, courts and others involved in the case.
- Pursue full compensation for all your losses through aggressive negotiations with those liable for your injuries.
- Prepare a solid case for trial if those responsible for your losses refuse to accept a reasonable settlement offer.
What Our Lawyers Can Do for You in an SSD Case
- Discuss your situation and provide free advice about your options during a free consultation.
- Help you assemble and file a persuasive application for Social Security Disability benefits if you have not done so already.
- If your initial claim has been denied – and roughly two-thirds of all initial applications are denied at first – we can assist you with every step of the appeals process.
- Make sure all filing and appeals deadlines are met.
- Ensure that all paperwork is correctly and completely filled out.
- Work with medical and vocational experts to verify your medical condition and your inability to work because of it.
Represent you at any necessary hearings during the reconsideration and appeals phase.